Watchin' God Book One - Listed Alphabetically


Saturday, October 5, 2013

500 hits!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!  Whomever you are that just this very hour made the 500th hit on my blog!!  It's 9:32 am EST.

I checked the numbers earlier.  499...  One more Lord?  It would be so cool to have it go over 500...

After reading about Kari's flat tire on A Grace Full Life it seemed appropriate to write about the angel and the gas can.

Then in an effort to check something on the blog, I noticed the magic number!

So, whoever you are, THANK YOU!  I wish you would leave me a comment so I know who you are!


On Oct 13, Beckie from RoadKillRescue featured my brown plastic bag wreath, and the numbers doubled in 2 days!  As of 9:27 EST today, this blog site is over 2000 hits!  Thanks Beckie!

Update 2:

Dec 18, 5 p.m.  3333 hits!  fun.  I love numbers!

May 2, 2014, 5000 hits!  But what's more amazing is that for some reason I checked my +1 account and there are 49,299 hits!  Truly amazing!  May God use my scattered and feeble efforts to show someone the way Home. . .


  1. I don't think it was me Nancy, but congratulations! It's always fun to watch the numbers rise! I'm following you now on G+ so that's another number you can watch rise now! :)

  2. Hi Kim! I love your blog! The puzzle piece projects are great. I shared them on my fb a while ago (with apropriate link, of course.) And 'What Other People Think Of You Is None Of Your Business'!! Fantastic!!
    Thanks for following me on G+. This is getting to be an addiction, ya know??

  3. I just found you!
    Thank you so much for linking my blog up here.
    That means so much to me!
    Big hugs.

    1. Hey Kari! Glad you found me! Sometimes I use your writing style - when I can be short and sweet, which isn't very often. lol! Now if I would only get on the stick and write more!
      Thanks for visiting! I appreciate it a lot!


Thanks so much for commenting! Your comments me keep me going! I mean, seriously, if no one comments, how do I know if anyone is actually reading this blog?? :-)