Watchin' God Book One - Listed Alphabetically


Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Cutest Use for Old Keys!

Have you seen these snowmen yet?  I found them on The WHOot 

There were a few other suggestions in the comments, like making brooches or pendants.  I was thinking a key chain! 

My friend's daughter saw the picture and went into peels of delight!  I guess that means I must take over the supplies and we will make them.  Breaks my poor little heart, ya know?  
What would you do with them?

Would that my photography skills and equipment were a bit better, but here are the snowman keys we made:

Check out the guy third from the right.  He looks evil!  We had a grand time making these.  Thanks, Stacey!  Great idea!


  1. Nancy, those are adorable! Sounds like you'll be making them. Share if you do. :)

    Thanks for your sweet comment on my mantel. We actually disassembled it all today and we are planking the wall above it!! So excited. :)

    1. Planking the wall! That sounds absolutely wonderful! I was thinking of using bales of ragged furring strips to do a bathroom wall. They wouldn't have any nasty chemicals as can be present in pallets. You will post a picture on your blog when it's finished, right?


Thanks so much for commenting! Your comments me keep me going! I mean, seriously, if no one comments, how do I know if anyone is actually reading this blog?? :-)